Mars Significant Discovery Announcement Expected
NASA announced its going to make a major announcement about a new discovery on Mars. NASA claims this is the "most significant discovery yet" from the Mars Global Surveyor, which has been orbiting our neighboring planet since 1997. Michael Malin and Ken Edgett, who are in charge of the Mars Orbiter Camera that discovered evidence of recent water near the Martian surface last summer, will attend the news conference. Also to attend is Ken Nealson, the director of the Center for Life Detection at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. My guess is that the announcement is likely to reveal that NASA scientists have discovered ancient sea or lake beds on the surface of Mars that could once have harbored life, writes Jonathan Leake of BBC. The discovery is among the most significant concerning Mars so far, because such places are the most likely locations for fossils or other signs of past life. NASA will announce the discovery in this week's edition of Science with the suggestion that the next generation of Mars landings should be sent to such areas. A British group building a craft bound for Mars said it was already considering rerouting its vehicle, Beagle II, to land in the middle of one of the newly discovered sea beds. It is said to have sent back detailed pictures of rocks that could only have been created by sedimentation, in which particles sink to a sea bed and are compressed into rock. Thanks to BBC and NASA,

Editor's Note: There is also evidence on Mars for an ancient civilization that is remarkably similar to sites in Egypt and Mexico. During the Egyptian Israeli War we flew Austrian Peace keeping forces into Cairo frequently over flying the Pyramids at Giza. Later on vacation I also visited the mysterious Mexican City of Teotihuacan, where three distinctive pyramids dedicated to the Sun, the Moon, and to Quetzalcoatl exist. As a former intelligence officer I've had experience in analyzing aerial photographs and it is my opinion the similarities between the Mars Face, the pyramids, the Fort and City Mound in the Cydonia region are similar to the pyramid sites on Earth. Further, it is important to understand the Mars Cydonia site is located on the edge of what I feel was once an ancient lake or seas. Also, the ancient City Mound appears to have a trench or a moat and looks very similar to ancient mound sites on Earth. The pyramids and the Mars Face appear similar to the Sphinx and pyramids at Giza. The sites at all three locations have an ancient road or pathway connecting the various key structures. If the photographs were taken on Earth rather than on Mars it would be assumed we are looking at ancient ruins. These allegedly natural structures are strongly suggestive of a conscious design. I admit that any single structure could have been formed by natural forces, but this combination of structures would require an unbelievable coincidence of nature. This combination of structures strongly indicates to me this is the site of an ancient Martian City. --Maj. George Filer

Source: Filer's Files #48, MUFON Skywatch Investigations. George A. Filer, Director. Mutual UFO Network Eastern, December 4, 2000. E-mail: Filer's Files is copyrighted 2000 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post items from the files on their Web Sites provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared.

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