The Many Faces Of ET:
The Field Guide To Extraterrestrials
For quite some time we had been wishing for a guide book that collected in one place all the various types of ETs for our quick referral. Early last year we were excited to discover Patrick Huyghe and Dennis Stacy had filled the void, and done it well.

Since 1988 21st Century Radio has been telling you that Planet Earth has been systematically visited by numerous types of ETs, probably since the most primitive form of man walked or crawled. The reason this is not commonly accepted as fact is, simply stated, all about control. The people opposed to your knowing about higher forms of consciousness are those in positions of power in the corporate, political, religious, and medical worlds. Acknowledging beings of higher consciousness will greatly change who's in control on this planet, as noted in the Brookings Institute Report commissioned by NASA to determine the impact of contact with ETs on human society.

This change will not occur until drastic shake-ups take place in the corporate political structure. You can expect to see the lies and party-line deception continue, unless as Dr. Courtney Brown is predicting, the ETs decide to let the planet know en masse of their existence. The Farsight Institute's remote viewers have been forecasting such an event for over a year. Other researchers like Dr. Jacques Vallee say things will only change when those in control of the corporate-political world die off. When the "old guard" is dead we can begin to learn the truth.

In the meantime we have The Field Guide to Extraterrestrials: A Complete Overview of Alien Life Forms Based on Actual Accounts and Sightings by Patrick Huyghe and Dennis Stacy, who joined Dr. Bob on 21st Century Radio on February 23, 1997.

The most popular ET these days is the Grey -- seen everywhere from ABC to Maytag to Toys R Us. The Greys are three and a half to four feet tall, have large heads, black wrap around eyes, and hands with either three or four fingers. They often act like robots, showing little emotion and sharing little information. You can go into any general book store in the country and find several books by people who have encountered this type of being. The popularity of the Grey, however, in no way, means that they are the only visitors here, as we've detailed on previous shows with Dr. Thomas Eddie Bullard and others. There are 49 widely divergent types of aliens pictured in Huyghe and Stacy's book. Another researcher, David Webb, has documented over 70 different types of ETs reported by Earthlings.

Patrick Huyghe has been writing about science and UFOs for nearly 25 years. His work on UFOs has appeared in the New York Times Sunday Magazine, Newsweek, New Age Journal, and Science Digest, but for the last dozen years he has written exclusively for Omni Magazine. Dennis Stacey, is the former editor of the MUFON UFO Journal, and a frequent contributor to Omni Magazine and other publications. Together, Patrick Huyghe and Dennis Stacey edit and publish The Anomalist, a journal of Fortean philosophizing and research of excellent quality.


"It's all very interesting," begins Patrick Huyghe, regarding the evidence for UFOs and ETs, "but I don't think there's enough there to convince everybody around that ETs and aliens from UFOs actually exist." In the book they say they are not out to convince the reader of the reality of Extraterrestrial Aliens, and say the evidence is not conclusive, but rather suggestive. "I can't say I'm a believer," continued Patrick. "I'm very interested in the subject and I think that this whole subject of aliens and extraterrestrials from UFOs is - there seems to be something there that's beyond psychological, whether it's entirely physical alien reality, I'm not certain of that at all."

Dennis Stacy agreed, saying he's been interested in the phenomenon for a good number of years, but will only go so far as to say he finds it "highly intriguing and highly suggestive.... Some of the things that actually report to be the best evidence turn out being highly controversial in themselves. I would suppose that the Ray Santilli film would be the classic case of that. Here we get a film that purports to show the actual autopsy of an alien being and then itself becomes involved in so much controversy that mainstream science certainly just looks at it and has a great laugh and walks away. And even many people within Ufology wonder, what the heck is going on?

"...Mainstream science would... simply ask if there are aliens here, where are they? And by that they generally mean that you can't go see one at the Smithsonian, you can't go see one at the National Museum of History in New York City or Chicago or San Francisco. So, the kind of evidence that we have is basically -- I would say 99% anecdotal. And of course the mainstream science is not going to accept anything without that final 1% which actually would be 99% of the case. It would be a reverse situation."


The first recorded contact with aliens was on November 25, 1896 as Patrick related. It "involved a couple of people who were putting together an exhibition for a fair in Fresno, California and they were traveling by horse and carriage towards Stockton, California. It was late afternoon, all of the sudden the horse became terrorized and just froze in its tracks, and the two men looked up and they saw these three tall and very thin figures with small delicate hands. They had no hair, just a soft downy fur on their skin. They had very large eyes and both their mouths and ears were very small. The witnesses described these creatures as something with strange beauty. Curiously they each held a bag with a nozzle which they would put up to their mouths to breathe. They also carried an egg shaped light and they seemed to communicate with one another in kind of a monotonous chant. The witnesses claimed that these three creatures tried to take them away, but apparently these two humans were too heavy to be carried away by these very lightweight creatures. At one point the creatures turned their lights towards a nearby bridge, [and] when they did so they illuminated a cigar shaped craft hovering above the water. The craft was swaying back and forth, almost drifting off the ground, and the beings returned to this craft. They sprung into the air and floated down to a door on the side of the craft, and the craft just slipped away. The people who saw this thought that the beings had come from Mars. This was one of the first cases where you have strange beings, and strange craft, and people interpreting it as an ET basically."


"They would have to get the award for actually coming up with the best creatures," says Dennis, acknowledging the controversy about the 1896 and 1897 sightings. Jerome Clark, author of The UFO Encyclopedia vol. 1-3, for one, feels that most of them are hoaxes. "Many of the other cases [of the 1896-97 flap], if you remember, simply reported very human-like, in some cases actual humans, almost reminiscent of Jules Verne's Around The World in 80 Days or Captain Nemo.... Jacques Vallee has cited the Hamilton case in which a cat had supposedly [been] caught by a rope or an anchor and hauled into a ship, and that one pretty much turned out to have been a product of a Sunday afternoon tall tale or liars club. It is intriguing.

"The other classic case, of course, was the Aurora, Texas case [in] which an air ship was alleged to have collided with a windmill in the small town of Aurora and to have exploded. There was a body found inside the ship which was supposedly of unearthly origin. Not much detail was given but it was also assumed to be from Mars. It's hard to analyze it. We have to remember that the newspaper situation at that time was entirely different, unless you count some of today's tabloid papers, in which you quite often did have hoaxes that were perpetrated primarily for reading entertainment. I think the classic case was Edgar Allen Poe's continuing series of stories about a balloon approaching, I believe, New York from Paris, which turned out to be a hoax. You also had newspapers hoaxing other newspapers, competitors, that sort of thing, so it was a very unusual era. But certainly, for whatever reason, this whole thing of air ships in the sky just took off and exploded and went from one coast to the other. It started out of California in November of 1896 and it disappeared over the winter and turn of the New Year and all of the sudden in April of 1897 you get air ship reports from Chicago to Texas and from New York to Nevada."


"Flying Saucers" have probably been witnessed throughout history, but in 1954 they began to receive serious attention with a concentration of sightings in October in France and in November and December in South America.

"One of the similarities," said Patrick, "even though the countries are quite far apart, and the entities seen were quite different, in both cases they were very short, 3-3.5 foot. There was one in France in '54 that was a kind of half robot, half man. In other words, a kind of a tin can top with a couple of legs sticking out at the bottom, and that was about three feet. In South America you had three to three and a half foot beings that were very, very hairy, almost animal-like beings. These were two major entity flaps that occurred early on in the UFO era."

A decade later, in April 1964 the landmark Lonnie Zamora case occurred in Socorro, New Mexico. "What you had here," said Patrick, "was a reputable police officer who was out on his daily cruise and he saw something. He thought something was on fire and he reported the whole thing live as he was seeing this craft land, what he thought was maybe a crashed airplane. As he got closer he thought it was actually a craft on the ground with some figures around it, and he was reporting this whole thing to the station as it occurred. And then the thing took off, and he reported some more and they came out and investigated the spot, and they found some marks on the ground. This attracted a lot of attention because you had the Air Force in on it, the FBI, and all sorts of agencies investigating this thing in one manner or another. The person who was head of Project Blue Book at the time, [Maj. Hector] Quintanilla, he actually did everything in his power to try to explain that case. He took it all the way up to the White House. We have a story in the latest issue of The Anomalist by this last head of Project Blue Book, and he said he wanted to explain this so badly that he took it all the way up to the White House and he [still] could not find an explanation. That's why I think it's so significant."

Dennis added that the case is still listed in The Project Bluebook files as an unknown. "The only explanation that I've ever heard is, of course, Phil Klass suggesting that it was a hoax somehow designed to raise money for the community of Soccoro."


There have been various attempts to classify the types of ETs being reported worldwide, but most systems fall short. For this book, Patrick decided to classify the various types of ETs on their "Pheno" type, that is, the observable physical characteristics of these creatures.

He created four separate classes of aliens, and within each of these classes listed several different types and variations. "There are thousands and thousands of such reports," says Patrick, "but most of them are not very detailed in their descriptions of their entities. There are probably several hundred of the very detailed cases. I read as many of these as I could... I narrowed down the various different looking entities and once I had done that I realized they fit into four broad categories, four classes that I call them. The first class are the Humanoid: they have arms, legs, a head, a torso. These include both the very famous greys as well as the aliens that are reported as being humanlike. You could almost pass them on the street and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a human and an extraterrestrial. It includes anything that has a head, normal arms and body and regular humanoid shape. My second class were the Animalian: the animal-like creatures, whether they're very hairy mammalian types or reptilian or whether they had wings and resembled birds, avian or insects, that was my second class. The third class I found were those Robotic types. They looked like they were made of metal, they were metallic. They didn't just walk as if they were made of metal but actually looked metallic. Some of them were entirely metallic, some of them had legs or other features that looked more human. My final class I called Exotic. That's a catch-all category for everything that doesn't fit in the other three classes. Those include blob like creatures or things that were obviously not totally material, apparitional. You have blobs, brain shapes and apparitions and ghosts and things of that nature." A glance through Huyghe and Stacy's book proves that the eyewitness testimony of encounters with what are thought to be "aliens" is better than anything dreamed up for a 1950s science fiction movies.


Patrick reviewed one of the common stories of a short NON-grey. This being is not reported "as common[ly] as the grey, but they are [also] about three and a half feet tall and they have a basic humanoid shape. What's very interesting is their face. It's almost like ridged and pitted and scarred. Some of them have very large ears. That's definitely a non-grey characteristic." Usually the greys have very smooth skin and little holes for ears.

Another non-grey Patrick described was in Italy. He said, "the mouth was like a fish mouth. Their eyes were large eyes but they weren't black wrap-around eyes and the hands had eight digits, four opposing the other four. That's another very non-grey characteristic."


"I was trying to figure out exactly where the cut-off would be in where something becomes giant," continued Patrick. "I settled on anything eight feet and above would be classified as giant... The very famous Voronezh, Russia sightings in 1989 were said to be 10 feet tall. You have others that were seen in 1963 in Brazil who were also 10 feet tall. They had one eye where as the Russian ones seemed to have three. You have the very famous Flat Woods Monster. That was said to be almost 15 feet tall. Anything eight feet or above I considered a giant."


For an example, Patrick retuned to the incident discussed earlier, the 1896 California encounter. "That's definitely a non-classic. It's a six foot tall humanoid, extremely skinny, and they did things other humanoids normally don't do. They had this breathing apparatus which is rather rare. They used a lantern. I call that non-classic. It's a catch-all term to incorporate all those that don't look like the classic humanoids that we refer to. Another one from 1974 in Wyoming had bristly hair, a big nose, missing one hand and instead of a hand in the other place it was like a cone shape gun or something like that. It's very different. Once again it's a humanoid shape but it's not a classic."


"In the animalian category," continued Patrick, "I have five types, and one of them is the hairy mammalian. Obviously what some people are very familiar with are the Bigfoot-like creatures. Most of the time Bigfoot is not seen in relation to any kind of UFO, [but] there are a few incidents where a normal Bigfoot-type creature is seen in conjunction and proximity with a UFO. One of them took place on October 25, 1973 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. It was seen by a man named Steven Glosky and a couple of ten year old children. It was a very complicated case that was actually investigated by a psychiatrist named Berthold Schwartz," the author of an important book called UFO Dynamics (Rainbow Books, 1988). Dr. Berthold Schwartz was a guest on 21st Century Radio on 10/18/92.

"...There are other mammalian type creatures that are not Bigfoot-like, but are extremely hairy, and all of those fall in that category. I have the reptile-type creature, the swamp creatures. You've got Lizard Man, the lizard-type creatures that are becoming more popular, it seems, recently. You have the very famous goblin-type creature that was seen in Kelly, Kentucky in 1955, these three and a half foot tall creatures that basically terrorized this family over night. It's quite a well-documented case.


"Then you go on to the amphibian or kind of frog-like creatures even though that doesn't mean they have aquatic environments, they just resemble amphibian-type creatures. You have the insectoid, including the very famous praying mantis-type creatures, and you also have some that have rounded wings, and these are fairy-like creatures -- but in a more scientific standing you would call them insects, because insects sometimes have rounded wings. Finally you have the avian-type creatures, those who have bird-like wings, but I found very few cases like that, the most famous one [being] the Moth Man reports in West Virginia. Curiously, before the Moth Man reports you had a similar sighting in England three years before in 1963."

Many other types of reported aliens are described and pictured throughout the book, like metallic robots, fleshy robots, the exotic class, and the apparitionals. There are at least two different perspectives on what ET will look like that we've heard on 21st Century Radio and The Zoh Show over the past 10 years. Some pundits say that if ETs DO exist, we will find that they couldn't possibly look like us, owing to the law of chance and how atmosphere and climate would shape evolving life forms. Others equally qualified say that indeed the humanoid type is prevalent throughout the universe, and that it is basically what the pattern of evolution is about.

"They say other worlds elsewhere would have different constraints on life of all very different life forms," says Patrick... "Then you have those who say they have to look very much like us because this is the way life forms, and therefore they would look very much like us."

The late Cyril Ponnamperuma, head of the University of Maryland's Laboratory of Chemical Evolution, came to the conclusion that ETs would most likely look very much like us. Patrick said Ponnamperuma was referring to a "genetic code which determines the appearance and make-up of everything that's living and didn't originate by chance. He said that there's a natural tendency -- just like water running downhill -- for the genetic code to produce life as we know it. It only works one way basically."

Dennis shared another perspective, that of Stephen J. Gould. His perspective would say that aliens from another planet would NOT resemble us whatsoever because life is not a result of a series of evolutionary steps leading to a particular goal or end -- it's actually a series of chance happenings. For example, Gould says the predominate life-form on this planet could have resembled a dinosaur-like creature, if it were not for a series of chance happenings, along with the natural selection of evolution, that we have the lifeform that we do.

Dr. Michael Swords, Professor of Natural Sciences at Western Michigan University, has done a lot of collecting and summarizing of work in this field (see 21st Century Radio 6/26/94). Dennis says, "His argument is basically that you may well get different life forms on different planets, but the ones who are going to develop space travel are going to resemble us... For example, people have postulated that you could have a watery planet with an intelligent creature much like a dolphin. You could very well have that, but the fact is no matter how intelligent that life gets on an aquatic planet, they can't basically acquire fire age technology. If they can't melt iron, aluminum, titanium and everything else, the chances of them building a spaceship and coming here is very slim. He says there's sort of a selection process built in there, and that the technological highly advanced creatures that will eventually develop space travel is likely to have an opposable thumb and fingers to use technology. He goes through entire steps which I find very convincing."


Dr. David Jacobs, a frequent guest on 21st Century Radio and The Zoh Show, has stated in his earlier books that he believes that the variety of ETs is a confabulation performed by the Greys to deceive humans. As Patrick explained, "David Jacobs, from what I understand, says that any other creature is really a Grey. Greys are IT, as far as David is concerned. [In David's latest book, The Threat, he no longer holds this view.] One of the arguments that I raise in my book is maybe it's the other way around. Maybe the Greys are kind of the screen and the creatures may look very different. There is one incident that I thought was very telling where a psychologist was interviewing a witness and the witness said that they encountered a space man and the psychologist said look closely at his face and what do you see and the witness said it's not human, it's one of those greys and then the psychologist said look closely and describe it to me and the witness said it's not a grey it's really a reptoid. So, what are we looking at here?


"Another very interesting case that occurred in South Africa in '74," continued Patrick, "when the hypnotist asked the witness what the alien looked like, the witness replied it looks like how I wanted it to look like... Whatever these aliens are, there's something, definitely, that the witness brings to it. Part of it might come from the influence of Hollywood. Part of it might come from the culture of the witness. But the witness definitely brings something to it."

For more ponderings along these lines, check out The Anomalist, the bi-annual journal that Patrick and Dennis co-edit. For more information call 1-888-427-3362 or visit them on the web at Omni Magazine’s website is also really good, (click on “Anti-matter”).