Dr. Bob Hieronimus on the Road to Promote His Latest Book and Matching Art Car "Founding Fathers"

Charles Village Parade

In June 2006, the “Founding Fathers” Artcar rode in its first parade, the annual Charles Village Festival.  We were charmingly followed by the Baltimore Folk Music Society and enjoyed a lively serenade the entire parade route. 

Above see the judges (including our friends Marc Steiner, Rebecca Hoffberger, Mary Pat Clark and Steve Yeager) reacting to Dr. Bob riding by the viewing stand in the "Founding Fathers".

Hampden Mural Redone

Bob Hieronimus’s original Hampden War Memorial mural (below) was painted in 1975.  This year, the current owners of the building decided to restore the brick wall and negotiated with the Baltimore Office of Promotion and Arts to fund the new design for the restored portion of the wall.  Dr. Bob completed the design in May and Jen Rattigan executed the paint job completed in June 2006.  Official opening date is September 16, 2006, 12 PM at the Hampdenfest Main Stage.

"Secrets of the Freemasons"

Zoh and Bob Hieronimus pose in front of the Great Seal at the George Washington Masonic Memorial and Museum in Alexandria, Virginia. Below, Bob is powder-puffed before filming his segment there for National Geographic's "Secrets of the Freemasons" which premiered in May 2006. 

Maryland Film Festival

Dr. Bob and the Founding Fathers Car at the Senator Theater (above), with President of the MFF, Jed Dietz (below) and with Sun film critics Michael Sragow and Chris Kaltenbach (bottom).

Dr. Bob Hieronimus on the History Channel July 27, 2006

Dr. Bob giving the History Channel film crew a symbolic tour around the designs on his “Founding Fathers” Artcar. 

Guy Ritchie Interviews Bob and Zoh

Filmaker Guy Ritchie (yes, Madonna’s husband) contacted us this summer saying he’d picked up a copy of Founding Fathers, Secret Societies and found it most intriguing.  After chatting with Dr. Bob for an hour about the Great Seal and the Kaballah, Bob put him on the phone with Zoh, since she’s the Kaballah expert in the family.

A few days later they were on their way to New York City to meet Guy and spend a few hours filming their conversations for his new documentary on spirituality and secrets.  He was most intrigued by the repetition of the number 13 on the design of the one dollar bill.

We also connected Guy to our good friend, David Ovason, who got to meet with both Guy and Madonna a few days later in London. Ovason observed how difficult it must be to have such deep interest in these arcane matters while carrying the karma of living "so much in the forefront of a public life which, in the present age, has been so carefully designed to pull the soul towards superficial ephemera.."

The Book Expo America May 19-21, 2006

Long and never-ending lines of autograph seekers were the themes for the Book Expo USA  held at the Washington DC Convention Center.  Dr. Bob signed for over two hours that weekend (in the same aisle as Dave Barry had signed earlier that day!)  Anne and Whitley Strieber (below) stopped by the Inner Traditions booth to invite Bob to guest on Whitley’s “Dreamland” Radio program (which posted in August 2006 at UnknownCountry.com).

Artscape and aLtsKape 2006

Thanks to a serendipitous turn of events, Dr. Bob Hieronimus's "Founding Fathers" Artcar was one of only a handful on display at the annual Artscape event outside the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall in July 2006. Doug Retzler, the curator of the car show for Artscape decided to show only alternatively fueled cars this year, and focused more on his "Autoternatives" gallery of art and ideas supporting clean transportation. Dr. Bob also contributed to this show with a 9 foot long poster on his futuristic "Hemp Hovercraft" design. His Mercedes 300 SD "Founding Fathers" Artcar runs on diesel fuel, and we took the opportunity to talk to passersby about Rudolf Diesel and Henry Ford's original engines designed to run on bio-fuels and passed out literature on the Baltimore Biodiesel Coop. The change in the Artcar Show venue caused considerable controversy, and Dr. Bob's Letters to the Editor on the subject were printed in the Baltimore Sun, City Paper and Baltimore Examiner.

Dr. Bob pointing to the display featuring his painting for a futuristic "Hemp Hovercraft" at Artscape, 2006 (above).  

Dr. Bob interviewed by WMAR's Kinderman at Artscape '06 (above).

The line-up of Artcars at the alternative "Altskape" on North and Howard.

Columbia Festival of the Arts
June 10, 2006

The “Founding Fathers” Artcar poses with the MD National Guard (above), follows the fife and drum corps (below) and is followed by the “Kineticautilus” by Larry Klemm and the Blue Hawaiian by Holly Klemm in the Columbia Festival of the Arts Parade.  See Dr. Bob receiving his award!

Ft. McHenry Flag Day '06

The “Founding Fathers” Artcar was on display briefly at Ft. McHenry for their family fireworks and picnic celebrations in honor of Flag Day. See Bob with his friend, Park Ranger, Paul Plamann who told us about the ghosts of Ft. McHenry!


Maryland Public Television Artworks This Week

Dr. Bob was the guest of broadcasting legend Rhea Feikin on MPT's Artworks This Week on May 17, 2006 talking about his book and matching Artcar, Founding Fathers: Secret Societies.

Barnes and Noble Book Signing

Dr. Bob gave a presentation at the Barnes and Noble in Pikesville in June of 2006 with his Artcar parked outside!  


Dr. Bob Interviewed for the Discovery Channel
at the Masonic Temple in Washington DC

In May ‘06 Dr. Bob drove the “Founding Fathers” to Washington DC to the Masonic Temple for an interview that will be included in a 3-part series on the Freemasons to air in the Fall of ‘06 on the Discovery Channel.  He is seen here outside the temple, on camera, with the filmcrew and below right with Dr. S. Brent Morris, 33 degree, author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry and Dean R. Alban, Director of Membership Services.  The film crew was fascinated with the Artcar and spent a long time out front of the temple shooting Dr. Bob with the “Founding Fathers”. 



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