By Penelope Smith,
Animal Communication Specialist

In this age of ecological emergency, more people are seeing the need to recognize their connection with all living beings. Communication between humans and animals has taken on a deeper meaning and urgency. We can learn so much from the animals about how to live in harmony and balance on the Earth. For animal lovers, direct telepathic communication boosts the understanding, joy and richness possible in relationships with their animal companions and all of life.

When we look at the roots of the word "telepathy," we find that it means "feeling across a distance." Telepathic communication involves the direct transmission of feelings, intentions, thoughts, mental images, emotions, impressions, sensations, and pure knowing. Animals obviously communicate through physical action and their own complex languages. They also communicate telepathically, both among each other and to humans. People receive the messages to the degree they are listening, can tune in, or are perceptive to them.

Children are born with the ability to communicate telepathically with their own and other species. Humans in this society are generally socialized to use verbal language as the accepted and "higher" mode of communication and discouraged from getting human or other species' thoughts and feelings directly. We are also conditioned to believe that animals are generally inferior to humans in their ability to think, feel, and make non-instinctual choices, so we learn to separate ourselves from mutual and equal communication with them.

The word ANIMAL comes from the Latin, ANIMA, which means life principle, breath, air, soul, living being. Recognition of the spiritual essence of animals and respecting them as fellow intelligent beings is vital to facilitate interspecies telepathic exchange. Animals are able to communicate with humans who are open to the telepathic connection. They get your intentions, emotions, images, or thoughts behind the words, even if the words themselves aren't totally understood.

I have communicated with animals all my life. Since 1971, I have successfully used with animals the same counseling techniques that help humans through traumas and problems. Over the years of listening and talking to thousands of animals and counseling them and their people, I have routinely seen upsets and problems resolve, negative behavior disappears, illnesses and injuries heal speedily, and warmth and communion between humans and animals blossom. For those who are skeptical and need physical proof of telepathic communication, these often-dramatic changes are evidence.

Although the ability to communicate telepathically usually is lost in childhood in our culture, where there is love for animals and willingness to re-learn, that ability can be revived. The rewards are mutual expansion and delight for human and non-human.

The first thing you can do to start on the road to direct communication with animals is to discard any condescending attitude that animals are lower, less evolved, or less intelligent beings. This kind of attitude blocks true communication with animals, just as it does with humans. Regard animals with respect, openness and as potential teachers, and this alone will enable you to observe them with a fresh light and open up a wellspring of information from them about who and how they are.

Another barrier that needs to be surmounted is invalidating your own potential to receive telepathic communication from animals. If you love animals you already "hear" what they say to some degree, even if you are not aware that you are doing it. Commonly, when I explain what animals are communicating, people exclaim, "I thought he was trying to say that" or "I kind of picked that up." Lack of recognizing the reality of that perception as it occurs causes people to miss out on continuing the conversation and developing their understanding and ability. Your animal friends can become frustrated at your lack of understanding their thoughts, emotions, and intentions when they directly communicate them to you, and so they have to resort to methods that you do understand, such as tearing up the furniture or peeing on the carpet.

You'll be amazed at what can happen if you accept the feeling, thought, emotion, picture, or impression that you get when you are quietly attentive to an animal and continue your communication from there.

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Penelope Smith is a pioneer in the field of interspecies communication, author of the popular, classic books on the subject, Animal Talk and When Animals Speak (available in many languages) and editor of the quarterly journal, Species Link. For a catalog of books, audio and video tapes, quarterly journal, and courses, visit, E-mail:, call (415) 663-1247, or write Anima Mundi Incorporated, P.O. Box 1060, Point Reyes, CA 94956. To order books and tapes, call 1-800-431-1579.

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