Hieronimus Gets State O.K. To Start Alternative School
By Sue Miller
The Evening Sun (Baltimore), Wednesday, February 14, 1973
Esoteric Study Center

It's taken Robert R. Hieronimus eight years, but the former Baltimore county art teacher and theology student, has produced the start of an alternative to traditional education that now bears the state department of education's approval.

Tentative approval, that is --until six months from now when the state agency gives the final test to one of the most unusual schools of its kind -- AUM, an esoteric study center.


"We're not a university, we're not a free school," explains the 29-year-old school president and teacher.

"We're a school which is reintroducing esoteric sciences and providing the scientific evidence for these sciences."

At this point, Mr. Hieronimus produces three different sheets of information to document the scientific evidence for astrology, Atlantis and meditation.

These are three of the large number of esoteric science subjects offered to 170 students, more than 50 percent of whom are professional people, studying mostly at night. The average age of AUM students is 31.

The esoteric sciences, those whose value and meaning have been hidden, include yoga, palmistry, quabalah (the mystical sect of Judaism) and reincarnation.

To the moustachioed, ponytailed Bob Hieronimus, the tentative approval, effective January 31, means "we're really going to teach what we say we are" and "we're not ripping people's money off."

"Not For College Credit"

Dr. C. Howard Allison, assistant state superintendent in certification and accreditation, makes it clear that courses available at AUM "are for college credit."

He explains, "It got pretty confusing, to be honest, but Mr. Hieronimus's program was approved under a section on special schools. It's a continuing education kind of thing for individual enrichment and more of an avocation."

Dr. Allison, who has lived in the Far East, admits an interest in the mystical sciences himself, but says he does not plan to enroll at AUM. He pursues his interest through readings he personally selects.

To Award Certificates

With the preliminary approval, Mr. Hieronimus will be able to award certificates to those completing requirements in mystic arts, occult sciences and religious metaphysics.

Atlantis, one of AUM's occult science offerings, deals with the lost continent in the Atlantic Ocean. Some scientists say it's located around Bimini Island, others in the Aegean Sea and some in both areas.

Eighty-four per cent of some 270 authorities quizzed in 1969 said Atlantis is not a myth and definitely exists, the artist-teacher explains, "But the big battle is where?"

Under esoteric Christianity, AUM offers a course on the Dead Sea scrolls, which deals largely with mystery scrolls in Christianity's time and before in Greece and Egypt and linking the teachings of the Essenes, a mystical sect of Christianity and quabalah.

Course on Cayce

And, there's a course on Edgar Cayce, a clairvoyant who predicted a number of things, such as the founding in 1968 of religious temples (for sun worship) in the Bimini area, which did occur, this AUM official says.

Mr. Hieronimus is trying to build "a whole educational system starting from prenursery care to the university level."

A morning nursery already has been founded and for a brief time AUM was known as the Aquarian University of Maryland. But, that was before the state department of education clamped down on the unusual study and meditation group.

The educator-administrator gives himself two more years to get an elementary school going. Within five years he hopes to have a junior and senior high school in operation.

Only Such Center

AUM, located in the 2400 block Ruscombe lane, is the only approved study center of its type on the East Coast according to its founder.

A number of similar schools are located on the East Coast and there is another in Texas and while they are approved. they both are "much more limited" in subject matter. World University in Texas, however, he said, is soon to be accredited.

Mr. Hieronimus left the Baltimore county school system after two years. He didn't have the freedom to teach art as he wanted, he says, recalling the days when long-term projects were frowned upon.

He was also concerned, he says, about the fact that "no one talked about God and no one wanted to although the kids kept making demands."

"They would say," he declares, "'if there is no God, why have morals?'"

Note from the Webmaster: We posted this article from 1973 to give you an idea of the background Dr. Bob has in alternative teaching and metaphysics. The AUM Center is still a functioning institution, though it no longer is offering classes on a regular basis. The Hieronimuses instead are devoting their teaching energies to their radio broadcasts and this website. AUM, Inc. is a non-profit 501(C)3 organization that raises money for donations to worthy causes to further the enlightenment and spiritual growth of humankind, as well as sponsoring periodic workshops. If you like what we are doing here on this website and wish to make a tax deductible donation to AUM, Inc., or if you would like more information, please write to AUM, Inc. 4803 Yellowwood Ave., Baltimore, MD 21209.