Endorsements for Hieronimus’s Yellow Submarine Research

"The story of its creation, told here by Robert Hieronimus, is almost as dramatic and as fascinating as the story of the Beatles themselves. This book is essentially a tribute to those heroes... who did the actual work, many of them unknown, all generous and hardworking."
--Sir George Martin, in the Introduction

"Your organizational talent is phenomenal. You are a very patient man."
--Derek Taylor, Beatles Press Officer

"You have an extraordinary talent. If ever there would be a “Yellow Submarine 2” you would be the Edelmann on the project."
--Al Brodax, Yellow Submarine Producer

"This is probably a more important work than the film it documents."
--Erich Segal, Ph.D., one of the Yellow Submarine Writers, in the Foreword

"You are the Yellow Submarine Oracle."
--Mark Lewisohn, Beatles archivist

"I consider you THE Yellow Submarine expert."
--Geoff Baker, Apple publicist

"You are the Yellow Submarine Guru."
--The Home Shopping Network

"Very nice and I can't wait to see the book! Everyone I've spoken to who has seen the journal thinks it's great."
--Allan Kozinn, New York Times

"Needless to say it looks as though it will make fascinating reading."
--Allan Rouse, Abbey Road Engineer on the Remixing Project

"I've read it back to back with intrigue and can only issue enormous praise for what manifests to appear more ambitious than if you'd raised the bloody Titanic itself "
--Charlie Jenkins, Special Effects Designer, Yellow Submarine

"This is the Bible. Truly a spectacular piece of American literature...for every Beatles fan."
--Hank Rose, President of Comic Images

"The interviews you've done will probably be mostly overlooked by everyone else."
--Bill King, Beatlefan

"It looks really terrific, full of the kinds of things I've always wondered about the movie. Can't wait for the full book to come out!"
--Matt Hurwitz, Good Day Sunshine

Hieronimus & Co., Inc., P.O. Box 648, Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA
Voice Mail: (410) 356-4852 Fax: (410) 356-6229